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Tech Tips: Audio & Microphone

Let’s talk about audio and selecting the correct recording device! We do have Recommended Equipment lists for each community in the Resources section of this website, but I wanted to talk about some recording and microphone tips.


First of all, I'd like to thank our pro and semi-pro narrators...we really appreciate you lending us your wonderful voices for some pretty awesome juvenile fiction titles that engage our students! One thing we do ask is that you not condition your audio before you send it to us...don’t adjust the volume after recording, normalize, remove noise, etc. We have our own post-production audio processing that will take care of minor audio issues, and if you do anything to it as well, it comes out sounding over-processed and artificial. Be sure to use the correct audio format and sample rate as well. Here's a recent example that sounds over-processed (great narration, but definitely some audio issues):


Another common issue is not realizing which recording device is selected. This is an easy mistake that can happen in any recording software. When you play back your recording, listen carefully and if it sounds “roomy” or distant, it might be using the wrong recording device. In Audacity, the microphone is selected at the top of the screen:

Audacity's mic selection is shown



The place to select the recording device differs in other audio software, of course. 


In EasyBooks, look at the bottom of the screen where it says Input:

EasyBooks bottom of screen where Input is shown





If it’s blank or doesn't look right, click the settings gear icon on the left and choose a different input device and click OK. 

We hope this helps but don't hesitate to ask for assistance if you're not happy with your audio quality...we are here to help!

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Avatar  Stacie Court 5 years ago

Thanks, Eleanor!