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We can't do it without you. YOU are the reason why the many thousands of students and schools are able to access the books they need to succeed. You are agents of change in the trajectories of so many students' lives, and we can't thank you enough...but we are going to try! Please note that this page is updated once a year and the last update was in April 2024.


The following list of Volunteer Milestones is a permanent record of milestones reached by volunteers...not just in the last year, but before that as well. From the bottom of our hearts and on behalf of the students, teachers and schools who benefit from from your service, THANK YOU!


Honor Roll Lifetime Milestone Awards

9,000 Hours

David Welp

8,000 Hours

Diane Nawrocki

7,500 Hours

Les Wiesenfelder

7,000 Hours

David Bebko

Jerry Byrd

Jeff Engel

John Hickam

Ian Thomas

6,000 Hours

John Sandlin

Caren Snook

Barbara Stoenbenau

Donald Sheetz

5,000 Hours

David Frens

Virgil Howarth

James McCullough

Mary Lou McGee

Paul Morgan

Marsha Poppie

Beira Winter

4,500 Hours

Joseph Clark

Clifford d'Autremont

4,000 Hours

Jaqui Bradley

Halina Bustin

Joe Clark

Ann Krohn

Susan Smith

Kathy Lee

3,000 Hours

Robert Anderson

Mary Braunagel-Brown

Jaci Collins

Robert Ellsworth

Don Kovar

Dorothy Liston

Richard McCurdy

Keith Nichols

Betty Schreiner

Webb Segur

Elizabeth Sherer

James Siewert

Susan Snookal

David Yudin

Bill Payne 

2,500 Hours

Patti Acurio

Prudence Breitrose

Carole Buell

Ellen Campbell

Lindsey Dodson

Claire Foster

Kathi Jensen

Catherine Kimmel

Roger Majchrzak

Diane Martin

Jim Myerberg

Richard Piper

David Schnapp

Scott Smith

James White

Betsy McClure 

Ellen Campbell
Richard Piper

2,000 Hours

Edwin Beck

Mary Blackwell

Darrell Blandford

Sheila Blunt

April Forwood

Earl Goetze

Sue Green

Harlan Hively

Thomas Keleher

Al Kendziora

Judith Lanzinger

Bonnie Marcus-Bennett

Betsy McClure

Rosemary McDonald

Shirley Nute

Allan Rough

Mary Schiavone

Janet Schoor

Bernard Strauss

George Vella-Coleiro

Kathy White

Carol Wigder

Annette Oliveira
Maryfran Annese

Susan Snookal

1,500 Hours

Steven Sittig

Susan Campbell

Janet Cappers

James Connell

Kathy Cummings

Todd Curless

Sheila Damens

Vicki Davis

Graham Duncan

Norval Galloway

Patricia Lim

David McAlary

Stephanie McDaniel

Joseph Nimoy

Vincent Oddo

William Painter

Bonnie Patterson

Teresa Pavlin

Don Savarese

Marrick Sayers

Karen Schindler

Marilynn Steffen

Evelyn Tate

Joseph Voith

Susan Wilson

Eileen Yen

1,000 Hours

David Alper

Guillermo Alzuru

Pat Beauchamp

David Berkenbilt

Heidi Bindhammer

Elizabeth Bradley

Bill Burke

Susan Crawford

Catherine Denison

Patricia Donica

Jennifer Ellis

Valerie Fenwick

Al Friedman

Carol Goerig

Thomas Hammell

Kurt Heringhausen

Brian Hill

Nick Jones

J.B. Kump

Thomas Lockhart

Linda Mancia

Marcia McDermott

James Morrison

Yvonne Murray

Myra Parker

Adele Phelan

Rita Pyrdol

Pauline Rakich

Lee Ann Remington

Tom Rosiello

Martin Sacks

Cynthia Shelmerdine

Patricia Smith

Mary Straub

Gerard Iturralde
Anne Raugh
Robert Sutherland
Shelley Cincotta
Joseph Smith
James Strong
Eric Raff
Barbara Kadlec

500 Hours

John Arnott
Rene Atchison
Deane Bell
Ben Brief
Robin Brodowsky
Linda Broom
Jennifer Canady
Shelley Cincotta
Vickie Cody
Theresa Cullen
Laurel Davis
Paul Deleeuw
Delta Gamma Volunteers
Justine Eng
Pat England
Maya Fleischmann
Maier Fox
Keely Fraser
Elizabeth Frechette
Frank Glaz
Joan Gravelle
Elizabeth Harcus
Mary Hays
Lois Hofer
Elizabeth Hoffman
Joseph Hurley
Sherri Jacob
Rishabh Jaryal
Susan Jolley
Barbara Kadlec
John Kain
Bruce Kaplan
Christine Kessides
Kenneth Klinkner
Richard Kozelka
Janette Kragen
Susan Kropiewnicki
Paul Kurtz
H. Lanchester
Justine Lantgios
Candace Lieberman
William Lindstrom
Jane Loose
Anna Marshall
Barbara Mavro
Faith McClure
Bruce Mishkin
Suzanne Mobarak
Clive Morrick
Melanie Morton
Stephanie Nealer
Susan Newman
Russell Oliver
Joanne Pittman
Paul Purinton
Eric Raff
Anne Raugh
William Reda
Anne Rudisill
Jane Sanford
Jane Seaton
Alison Seymour
James Sie
Buddy Snipes
Susan Stanley
Wanda Stitt-Gohdes
James Strong
Robert Sutherland
Nova Ann Todd
Bayard Van Hecke, Jr.
Elizabeth Vazquez
Donna Vogel
Elizabeth Weber
James Whisson
Frances White
Kaye Wilcox
Mark Wolff
Adele Wolfson
Gregory Young