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A New Era


Image: entryway of Learning Ally Athens Studio, with colorful Learning Ally banner hanging from ceiling just inside the door

On October 29th, I handed over the keys to the Learning Ally Athens (Georgia) Studio to the University of Georgia.  A bittersweet moment, it marked the end of more than fifty years of Learning Ally on the UGA campus.  Fifty-plus years of love, laughter, and friendship, and many, many books recorded in several formats.  I thought you might be interested in reading about the why and how this came to happen.


First, some background:  back in 1953 Learning Ally (then Recording For the Blind) first organized a chapter at UGA, moving from building to building as University and Learning Ally needs changed.  By the 1960s it became clear a permanent space was needed.  Volunteers at the time worked hard, wheeled and dealed, and got the Callaway Foundation to agree to donate the money to construct a building for us if the University would loan the land.  In the end, Learning Ally paid $1 for a 99-year lease.  We were responsible for all utilities and maintenance inside the building, while the University covered maintenance costs from the studs-out.  The Athens Studio was completed in 1967.


Plaque with text:  This building is a gift from Callaway Foundation, Inc. LaGrange, Georgia  to the University of Georgia for work of The Athens Unit of Recording for the Blind, Inc. Erected 1967.


So, for fifty years we recorded in that studio space, bringing in a cadre of volunteers who represented the great variety of the population of Athens.  University professors, homemakers, business professionals, school teachers, college students, blue-collar workers, local celebrities and even some homeless people: they all came through the studio and volunteered, supporting the work we were so well-known for.  University and community groups got involved as well, especially the Lions Clubs, the Kiwanis Clubs, the Junior League of Athens, Delta Gamma sorority, and First Book UGA.


Two plaques on a recording booth door:  (1) manufacturer's logo and contact information; (2) Digital Booth Converrsion funded by the Lions Club International Foundation and the Lions of Georgia, 2001-2002


Over the years our recording equipment and methods changed drastically, and our use of the studio space changed as well.  In the 2000s, while still using VRW software in the studio, we also began using GABR software, developed here in Athens by staff member Fred Smith.  GABR allowed some volunteers to work from home.  GABR was the precursor to EasyBooks (also developed here in Athens by Jay and Eleanor Cotton), which really opened the door to Learning Ally’s entry into the world of virtual recording.


As many of you know, we took all of our production completely virtual in 2017.  While closing nearly every other studio in the country, we held onto the Athens Studio as we observed and assessed the effectiveness of our move to virtual production.  While the majority of local volunteers began working from home, I continued hosting events with UGA and community groups, and area Lions continued to come in each month to record their national magazine.


Even before the issues brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw that our move to virtual was the right way to go: we’ve been able to involve even more volunteers from all over the country (and the WORLD!), and we’ve created even more audiobooks than we had in studio-based production years at a much lower cost.  


Since the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve found we’re even more efficient and effective than even we thought, and the reality is that we just do not need the studio space any more.  All of the events and activities we did at the studio can be handled online.  


Although Learning Ally paid no rent for the space, the Athens Studio cost us about $30,000 a year to maintain (utilities, repairs, maintenance of equipment, insurance, etc. all adds up).  While we loved the space and hated saying goodbye to the folks at UGA, we simply could not in good conscience continue spending that much money on what amounted to nostalgia.  It’s just not good stewardship of the funds so generously given, especially when those funds could be put towards our many wonderful programs that directly benefit blind and dyslexic students, their families, and their teachers every day.


Because of COVID restrictions, I couldn’t just bring in a bunch of local volunteers and staff to come in and have a clean-out party (too bad, that would have been nice!).  So, the first thing I did was bring in local staff (and some helpful spouses) to sort through various categories of items: electronics, paperwork, furnishings, etc.  Masked and distanced, we each went through our assigned areas and made determinations about the future of fifty-plus years’ worth of STUFF (imagine going through the home after the death of a crazy uncle, one who collected late-model computer and recording equipment, and never threw anything away).


Next, I brought in local volunteers and supporters, one at a time, and offered them items that I thought might have personal significance to them.  For example, one of our booths had a plaque dedicating it to the memory of a woman named Ellen.  I was able to contact her daughter, Deirdre, and she came in to receive the plaque.  Ellen had died when Deirdre was a young child, and Deirdre had many memories of coming to the studio with her father to see the wonderful work being done in her mother’s memory.  She was so grateful to receive the plaque.


Eleanor Cotton helped me get in touch with the family of volunteer emerita Ellen Hanna, who was instrumental in having the studio built all those years ago.  Ellen was terminally ill this fall  but we were able to give her family awards she had garnered and art work she had lent the studio.  The Hanna family was so happy to have these mementos of the life’s work of their beloved mother and grandmother.  Note: Ellen died soon afterwards; see the November 25, 2020 blog:


The next step was to separate out the tech equipment that needed to be shipped to Princeton, and that which we could donate to a local charity.  Once that was done, local volunteer Elizabeth DeLaney Hoffman helped me transport items to be donated.


Image: trunk of car, filled to the brim with computers, backup batteries, keyboards, etc.


Many, many hours were spent boxing up, weighing, and shipping computer monitors, cables, routers, etc. back to Princeton.  (and returning to the store for more tape, more boxes, more bubble wrap, etc.)


Image: more than a dozen computer monitors, waiting to be packed and shipped back to Princeton


I was distressed about the many years of memorabilia: plaques, photographs, scrapbooks, etc.  Because we had been on the UGA campus for so long, I reached out to the folks at the Special Collections Library to see if they would want any of it.  I didn’t really expect them to want any of it...but they did!  It was such a good feeling to pass it all on to their safekeeping, and to know that the information would be there in the archives, available to anyone looking to research Learning Ally’s presence in Athens.


Image: one of several carts full of scrapbooks, logbooks, recordings, photographs, etc.

In addition, we had paintings of significant local interest: they had been done by Irene Dodd, the daughter of Lamar Dodd, for whom the UGA School of Art is named.  I was very pleased to pass those valuable artworks on to the school for its collection.


Image: abstract oil painting by Irene Dodd, with strong lines and thick impasto, all with muted colors and no discernable figures


As you can imagine, there was a LOT of paperwork to go through.  I am very grateful to volunteers Caren Snook and Elizabeth DeLaney Hoffman for their help with this task.  We were able to recycle a lot, but there were still bags and bags of shredded documents, much of which I used to pack items going back to Princeton.

Local staff and volunteers were given the opportunity to take home furnishings, shelving, etc., and the rest was donated to a local nonprofit for its thrift store.  Many thanks go to staff member Christine Hoffman and her husband Chris Sparnicht, and my husband, David Court, who all came to help load the thrift store truck.


Image: one of several truckloads heading to Project Safe; the panel truck is filled to the top with file cabinets, chairs, desks, artwork, etc.


In all, we donated:

  • 2 ½ truckloads of furnishings to the nonprofit Project Safe to help families working their way out of crisis; 

  • 2 packed-to-the-gills carloads of technical and office equipment to the nonprofit Free IT Athens to help low-income families and new small businesses with access to affordable technology; 

  • 50+ years of scrapbooks, programs, recordings, and other memorabilia to the UGA Special Collections Libraries;

  • 2 paintings by Irene Dodd to the UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art;

  • several commemorative plaques to family members of those commemorated


I threw out as absolutely little as possible, recycling and gifting as much as I could.


As part of our closure, UGA made a $25,000 donation to Learning Ally, money that will further help us in our mission.  We are all so grateful for the relationship we’ve had with the University.  I know this will not be the end; it will be interesting to see how the relationship transforms over the years to come.

Sometime next year, the University will raze the building and the lot will become an extension of the parking deck next door.  As it is directly across from the Special Collections Library, I expect, like many local staff and volunteers, to park there in the future when I attend events at the Library, and remember our days on campus fondly.


Image: UGA Special Collections Library, a majestic building in red brick with columns.  Hidden off to the left and across the street is the Learning Ally Athens Studio, a humble one-story yellow-brick building.

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Showing 7 Comments
Avatar  Roger Majchrzak 4 years ago

Great work, Stacey! Besides missing you and the rest of the staff, and the volunteers that come in, I really miss the cinnamon coffee cake.

Avatar  Brian Hill 4 years ago

What an interesting story! I think for two reasons: First as a microcosm of...change, I guess. It happens to all of us, things you thought so important and irreplaceable not that many years ago, gradually (or sometimes suddenly) become unimportant, unneeded and often drag you down. It takes courage and imagination to recognize these facts and take the correct course of action (including wracking your brain to figure out the best 're-purpose' for the items rather than just pitching thoughtlessly to speed the process - nice job)
The second reason is more personal: would I even have had the experience of doing this if it involved a commute to Cleveland or Pittsburgh (or maybe Athens or Princeton) before even STARTING the job? I kind of doubt it, though the idea of having made REAL, IN PERSON relationships rather that less dimensional virtual ones DOES sound interesting. (Knowing people virtually is more like knowing the characters in a novel - sure you grow to love them, but you always have to have the book in you hand to interact) Anyway, thanks for the history lesson and allowing us 'newbies' to imagine what the old days were like. (in the crux of it, probably not much different - making books come alive)
Walk to your car with a certain reverence in your gait Stacey!

Avatar  Jeff Engel 4 years ago

Thank you. Stacie. for this wonderful summary of the building, its history from birth to end. I spent many years recording there, and leaving it for home recording was traumatic. The efficiency of working from home is amazing, compared with the not-so-good old days of 4 track tape recording. But I do miss the camaraderie of the groups of volunteers I worked with over the years.

Avatar  Susan Snookal 4 years ago

What a Herculean task you completed. Stacie, made possible by help from others. If I were in Athens, I would have raced to help you. Thank you for the history lesson and for finding ways to not waste anything in the building, and for generously donating what you could. This is amazing!

Avatar  Beira Winter 4 years ago

Thank you for giving us the details of the entire process. I went through two closures here in the Los Angeles area. Shortly after I started volunteering in the studio near my home (in a little industrial cluster of buildings), we were informed that it would be closing because operations were consolidating. But we had the option of moving to a different studio.

I was delighted to find that the Hollywood studio filled a small office building created by one of my favorite architects, Richard Neutra. While I was volunteering there, the transition to home-recording began. The staff at the Hollywood Studio were very supportive as I attempted to learn how to use my home computer without having someone "right down the hall" to get me through the rough parts. I have a headset and a reference dictionary as my mementos of those years.

Shortly before the final closing, I had to stop volunteering for a few years. By the time I was able to return, Learning Ally had not only moved to virtual, but the levels of sophistication had also risen to the point that my equipment could not meet the standards for recording. That's when I switched to checking textbooks. But I missed seeing and interacting with the lovely people who supported all of the volunteers.

With Google Hangouts, and now Twist, I have learned to communicate with staff and other volunteers. There are volunteers whose voices I love to hear as they weave the magic of narrating literature, but Textbooks are still my first love. There's always something to learn from people who are sharing what they love. Yes, we can now see and talk with each other virtually, but I still miss the little impromptu interactions in the studio. And the immediate assistance!

In-person or virtually, the Learning Ally staff are very special people. The teamwork you described, and the time you took to find homes for as much as could, was not surprising. It's another example of the commitment and dedication of the people who make up the backbone of Learning Ally. Thank you, Stacie, for the very respectful way you and your helpers said goodbye to the Athens studio.

Avatar  Jaqui Bradley 4 years ago

This reminds me so much of the closing of the Upland, California studio, except we had 1 week to go this all in. I was one of the first to use GABR, which was a 1-person/book software. I loved, and still do, physiology, so my book was 1000 pages long!! We read references then and this book had FIFTY pages of references. It was a staff member from the then-open Hollywood studio who encouraged and supported me through those 50 pages. Thank you, Stacie, for this trip back. Upland, too, began at a college: Claremont McKenna (then Claremont Mens) College. Nostalgia. Love it!

Avatar  Kathi Jensen 4 years ago

A monumental job, Stacie — well done. I enjoyed “living” it with you.