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Volunteer Nation Blog


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Changes In Our Audiobook Production

In our 75 years of existence, Learning Ally has grown and adapted our mission to serve more people in their education journey. We started with a focus on serving blind and visually impaired individuals, expanding the mission to serve people of all ages with learning differences such as dyslexia, and now we are entering the early literacy space. Your generous time and hard work over the years has helped Learning Ally grow and expand our reach to serve more students, massively impacting the literacy problem we face in the United States. 

Student using the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution on a tablet


In March 2021 we shared that Learning Ally was making changes to our audiobook production process for the following reasons: 


  • To deliver books to our students faster, 
  • To improve the overall quality of our audiobooks, and
  • To ensure we are meeting students’ needs to the best of our ability. 


It is important to us to keep our volunteer teams in the know, so we have outlined some majors changes that have happened so far. In addition, we will continue to provide ongoing updates in our Support Center article: Audiobook Community Updates. We encourage you to check this link regularly; we are working to keep information up to date weekly.


Some major changes we have made so far include:


  • Combined our Textbook and Literature Communities into one Audiobook Community. This combining of communities has allowed us to improve our ability to share resources more easily
  • Moved textbook projects and workflow to the Audiobook Portal, formerly known as the Literature Portal
  • Closed narrator recruitment and moved to a casting process for all future projects. Volunteers will no longer be able to audition for projects
  • Reengineered our listener role
  • Piloted several new audiobook-related volunteer roles and plan to add more


These changes may affect how you currently volunteer with Learning Ally. Again, we encourage you to read the Audiobook Community Updates for the most up to date information on how changes may affect your volunteering. If you would like to browse our current volunteer opportunities, head to the new Individual Volunteer Opportunities page on the Volunteer Portal. 


Many of the changes you will see are driven by listening to and responding to the needs of the community, that is the students and educators who use our education solutions. Overall quality and accessibility of our books is essential to student success. That said, we are making it a priority to continuously improve so we can deliver on the promise of equitable access to education for all students. 


In addition to changes in our production process, we’ve welcomed five new team members recently. Depending on which volunteer role you serve in, you will likely meet a few of these team members in your volunteering! Stay on the lookout for emails from these team members, as they will be leading all Audiobook Community projects. 


  • Producer Team: Ivuoma Hall, Danielle Quisenberry-Ruvolo, and Ian McInnes will assign all new book projects to available narrators by considering the casting (how well the narrator’s voice matches the character) and book priority (based on school and individual student requests)
  • Project Managers: Cheri Nightingale, Audrey Santos, Katherine Abraham and Naava Feingold will be managing projects from the pre-production steps through the completion of projects. They are your go-to folks for any project-related question and can help connect you to other staff as needs arise.  
  • Audiobook Quality Assurance Lead: Dan Toth will be working to improve our current Quality Assurance process behind the scenes


We hope this blog post helps put into perspective why Learning Ally is making such a large, organizational change in our production process. Students' needs are at the center of everything we do, and that is the reason why you are seeing so many changes right now. We appreciate your understanding as Learning Ally grows and expands to best meet the needs of all students, ultimately addressing the massive literacy problem we have in the United States. The work you do makes a difference! 


As we navigate these changes, it is important to us to remain completely transparent and welcome your thoughts and feedback at all times. You can share your thoughts and ask questions at any time. 

With gratitude, 

Maria Lelie, Volunteer Programs Coordinator

Volunteer Spotlight: Maya Epstein

Written by Jasmine Bao, our wonderful and talented 2021 Summer Intern! 


Every volunteer is a keystone in Learning Ally. Every one of us makes a difference in the organization and subsequently the life of others - whether it is because we identify with Learning Ally’s mission or simply want to improve lives, we all have a reason or motivation for choosing to do the work that we do. For Literature Narrator and Listener volunteer Maya Epstein, who began volunteering with Learning Ally around the time of the pandemic a year ago, that motivation stems from her personal experiences with challenges during education. She recounted her own time in school: 


Maya narrating for Learning Ally this month

“I grew up highly aware of learning disabilities and the challenges they pose: my sibling was diagnosed with ADHD very early in life, and was often not given the necessary resources to succeed in school. During middle school, I developed debilitating anxiety, which has had a pronounced effect on how I navigate learning spaces.” When she finally received the accommodations she needed during her junior year of high school, she became highly passionate towards accessible learning. “I believe education is a gift and a super power everyone deserves -- Learning Ally's commitment to a similar ethos motivates me to volunteer.”


Our passions, ambitions, and interests are often intricately related to the role we play within Learning Ally. The little experiences and influences in our lives inspire the way we go about changing the world around us. Maya’s volunteer work in narrating and listening to Learning Ally audiobooks closely ties to her love for media and the arts:


“So many of my interests culminate in Learning Ally's work; firstly, educational equity, which I mentioned above. Learning Ally produces a huge range of diverse books and stories; representation in media is super important to me. Additionally, I absolutely love reading and the empathy it creates space for. Finally, I am also an actor. Tap dancing, singing, and theatre have been parts of me for most of my life; audiobook narration allows me to make the world a softer place for others through an activity I treasure.”


In addition to providing a space for Maya to use her talents, Learning Ally has also unlocked opportunities for Maya to learn new skills and meet people from around the world. 


Maya and her friends in Little Women: The Broadway Musical

“My favorite thing about volunteering, apart from aiding students like me, is meeting people across the digital globe. I've had the opportunity to collaborate with so many talented voice actors and listeners I never would've met otherwise. Learning Ally has also introduced me to books and stories I likely wouldn't have picked up on my own.”


Tying into meeting others as one of the things Maya likes most about Learning Ally, her favorite part of volunteering is when she makes a connection with people through the work she does:


“My favorite moments to come out of volunteering have occurred when people discover I've narrated a book that's been formative to them. Books bring people together, and it's so fun to realize I've narrated a book one of my friends loves. We can gush about the stories and characters together forever. Another favorite moment occurred quite recently: receiving an email informing me that a new volunteer cited my YouTube channel as the place they first heard of Learning Ally. It was insanely cool to learn that one of my subscribers is now one of my fellow volunteers!”


Becoming so familiar with and working so closely with audiobooks, it was a given that Maya had developed a personal favorite of hers! Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery was the book that climbed to the top spot in her heart:


“I adore all of the imagery of nature, the emphasis on chosen family, and Anne's adventurous spirit. I'm even narrating it, chapter by chapter, over on my YouTube channel! Are they my least viewed videos? Absolutely. But I have so much fun making them.”


A project Maya made for her AP Statistics class, which was about Taylor Swift, of course!

It is equally important to get to know volunteers as who they are inside Learning Ally as well as outside. What do our volunteers’ lives look like outside of Learning Ally work? For Maya, it means running a Youtube channel, jamming to her favorite singer-songwriter, attending high school as a senior, and working at a movie theatre while frequenting midnight premieres with friends: 


“It's a pretty fitting job, because I intend to become a film editor one day. My second job is on YouTube, where I discuss the cultural significance of books and film (I was recently monetized! Hooray!). My channel is called bespectacled. I am the co-lead of our Student Equity group at school and a writer: several of my flash fiction pieces and poems have been published. But most importantly, I love Taylor Swift. Much of my free time is swallowed by dancing poorly to her music, to the chagrin of my sister.” 


If there was one piece of advice Maya gives to other volunteers, she said: “I'd say to drink lots and lots and lots of tea. It's delicious, and helps my voice feel better. I'm partial to Yorkshire tea with a splash of milk.” Seriously, who doesn’t enjoy the delightful feeling of downing a warm cup of milk or tea? Definitely take up Maya’s suggestion sometime, you won’t regret it!


Without volunteers like Maya, it would not be possible for Learning Ally to be the way it is today. It is because our volunteers are who they are that the stories and connections Learning Ally aims to nurture have been as successful and meaningful as they are. Maya’s story is one that many volunteers can resonate with, and it is a testament to the solidarity and positivity that can be achieved through the power of altruism and human connection.

You can visit and support Maya’s Youtube channel here!